Friday, March 11, 2011

T minus 4. Equipment Check

The first problem.

How to transport a very bulky DSLR with a mega zoom, 5 extra lenses, a tripod, binoculars and lots of other crucial stuff in a zodiac containing water and ice slushing around on the floor, even more splashing over the sides, while its snowing and your hands must be free. Oh, and it can't really be a backpack because you might lose balance and topple over the side backwards and with that weight you're gonna die.


A huge dry sack. It can sit in all that slushing water and ice and keep the 20 kilos of gear, er ... well, ... dry.

Dry Sack, check. Large camera shoulder bag, check. Camera bag fits inside dry sack, er, try again, er.

Waterproof camera, check. Waterproof gloves, check. You know where this is going and it didn't end well. At least it was only the gloves that leaked. Now I have to hope they'll dry out before the flight.

Plan B for the dry sack, it fits Tricia's camera backpack perfectly. Plan B for my camera bag. Use an obscenely large waist bag in combo with a fishing vest instead. Oh yes!

Camera complains a bit but squeezes into the waist bag, lenses in five of the vest pockets, stressing the velcro a bit, but she'll be right. Nick knacks in the rest of the pockets. No probs.

My waterproof nylon pants are baggy enough to extend over the waist bag. That'll keep the camera dry.

My waterproof nylon jacket snuggles a little reluctantly over everything. As long as I don't do any sudden movements the zips should hold OK. Mirror shows I have really "muscled up", cool.

Tricia checked me out and then checked out the cancellation penalties.


  1. Hey, John and Tricia! I am looking forward to hearing about your adventure. Bon voyage!
    Karin xox

  2. Hi Trichia and John,
    Looking forward to some picks from the both of you, plying cards with Penguins. Have a fantastic trip.

  3. Initial Posts. Im a bit concerned. John your COMPLETE profile is a bit brief. And more worrying is the condition you have developed. Reverse body dysmorphyia.. muscled up ? How will you blend with the penguins, looking like a walrus in army fatigues ?
    Will be thinking of you as I arrive at work and your dashing about Sydney airport. Phew take a deep breath, one more sleep.
    He my name is "in training" cause I was training on your last trip, now I'm a fully fledged 2.2
    AND I will be able to post a daily diary to which you cant reply from my new laptop (there's probably a white noise app in the i store) how exciting. Anyway, bye for now

  4. How come my comment says March 14 2011 9.24am and its actually March 15 2011 3.28pm is Preston in another time zone ?

  5. Bon Voyage sis and John...
    Hey John, or should we call you smuggler...!
    are you leaving hours early so you have plenty
    of time to strip at the airport?
    Sis, I think a picture of this new muscle man
    would be a great blog pic...
    Have a great time u 2. Stay safe, and looking forward to hearing all; on your return...
    love ya.......... xxxxxxxxx Bridget
