Friday, April 15, 2011

Our Darkest Hour

We had four days of playing in the many Islands forming the Falklands.

First was George Island which was rainy and there were only a few rubbishy Penguins. Even the owners forgot to show up to greet us. That afternoon we zodiaced to Barren Island. After a 1 hour uphill hike we got to a sealion and elephant seal colony. There were also penguins but no one cared. The seals were action packed, fighting, swimming, snorting, and allowed us to get quite close. This was great.

Sailing overnight to New Island was very rough again and Tricia was seasick. She consequently decided not to go ashore. BIG mistake. A huge colony of Albatross and Rockhopper penguins was nestled in a steep sided cove and the sun was shining. We could get very close without disturbing the wild cavorting action. I begged our Zodiac driver to go get Tricia but it was too late. There was also a wreck of a mine sweeper right where our zodiacs came ashore.

It was only a short sail to Carcass Island so we had a quiet night. Tricia recovered and I got a great nights sleep.

Next day we were greeted by the people running a B&B, treated to cakes and tea, and were 4WDed up to the even bigger Albatross and Rockhopper penguin colony which we could get ridiculously close to without disturbing them. Same deal, a steep sided gorge leading out to the sea on a sunny day. Wowowowow. Tricia, appropriately found 4 sheep carcasses on a beach that the caracara’s were having trouble pecking through. Tricia found some rusty metal implements and performed a partial autopsy. This sent the Caracara’s into a wild feeding frenzy that Tricia then filmed. I nearly threw up.

The next night was an all night roller coaster to our last zodiac location. Something hurt my back. Could have been the wooden side of the bed, the wardrobe, a flying chair, the ceiling, anything in the cabin really. I also got a cold and no sleep. Tricia was again seasick but was OK to go ashore. She decided to stay and be uber grumpy nursemaid instead. Can I have some water, “Oh God now I’ve lost my place in this book I’m reading for the second time”. It’s OK, I’ll try to get it myself. “You’ve done it again, hurrrumph”.

When the passengers returned from the Island they reported the biggest and best ever Albatross colony. I wish Tricia hadn’t missed out, I won’t inadequately encourage Tricia to go on an adventure ever again.

My back hurts, my nose is running, I am dazed and confused by my nurse and the chef has just gone insane. He has (not) cooked “cappaccio de barf”. We encountered this membrane of bloody meat tissue once before. Refer to our France blog. It was followed by “fish pie”. I begged for a cheese toastie but had to settle for a couple of dry biscuits.

And to top it all off, we faced a night and day of bouncing around our cabin crossing the southern ocean yet again. Our next holiday will not involve an ocean.

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